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Leo Garcia

Read Think Spanish

Read & Think Spanish, the innovative, non-intimidating approach to learning Spanish, is now available with an audio CD. Compiled by the expert editors of Think Spanish! magazine, this audio package brings together more than 100 engaging, fully illustrated readings and articles about the life and cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. The 70-minute audio CD features many of the articles read aloud by native speakers, as well as questions for review and reinforcement of new vocabulary.

Read Think Spanish

Including more than 100 engaging articles written by native Spanish-speakers, each one provides a bilingual glossary on the same page, allowing you to learn without stopping to look up new or unfamiliar words. Each chapter contains several exercises to reinforce comprehension and the new premium edition features streaming audio recordings of more than 40 readings (90 minutes) and over 7,000 vocabulary items by flashcard, easily accessible online or on any mobile device, through the unique McGraw-Hill Language Lab app.

Including more than 100 engaging articles written by native Spanish speakers, each one provides a bilingual glossary on the same page, allowing you to learn without stopping to look up new or unfamiliar words. Each chapter contains several exercises to reinforce comprehension, and this new premium edition features streaming audio recordings of 50 readings (more than 2 hours), supported by the McGraw-Hill Language Lab app.

  • Read & Think Spanish, Premium Fourth Edition features:New articles reflecting the current aspects of life in Latin America, Spanish-speaking U.S., and Spain

  • New and expanded materials in the McGraw-Hill Language Lab app (free online and via mobile)

  • App includes flashcards of more than 7,000 vocabulary terms

  • App includes audio recordings of 50 readings (2+ hours)

Read & Think Spanish, Premium Fourth Edition - About the Authors:The Editors of Think Spanish! magazine are experts in Spanish language instruction and culture. Native Spanish speakers, many of the writers of Think Spanish! also teach the language to secondary and post-secondary level students.

What were the effects of his work? While the Pope had granted Spain sovereignty over the New World, de Las Casas argued that the property rights and rights to their own labor still belonged to the native peoples. Natives were subjects of the Spanish crown, and to treat them as less than human violated the laws of God, nature, and Spain. He told King Ferdinand that in 1515 scores of natives were being slaughtered by avaricious conquistadors without having been converted. He sought to protect the souls of Spain and the conquistadors against divine retribution for the destruction of the native populations by awakening the moral indignation of Christian men to counter the growing tide of barbarism. Between 1513 and 1543 Spain issued several laws attempting to regulate the encomienda system and protect native populations, but enforcement was haphazard and the subjugation of the native populations was already a fact. Nonetheless, through his self-proclaimed goal of bearing witness to the savagery of the Europeans against the simply civility of the indigenous peoples, de Las Casas became characterized as the conscience of Spanish exploration.

(7) This Isle of Hispaniola was made up of Six of their greatest Kingdoms, and as many most Puissant Kings, to whose Empire almost all the other Lords, whose Number was infinite, did pay their Allegiance. (8) One of these Kingdoms was called Magua, signifying a Campaign or open Country; which is very observable, if any place in the Universe deserves taking notice of, and memorable for the pleasantness of its Situation; (9) for it is extended from South to North Eighty Miles, in breadth Five, Eight, and in some parts Ten Miles in length; and is on all sides inclosed with the highest Mountains; above Thirty Thousand Rivers, and Rivulets water her Coasts, Twelve of which prodigious Number do not yield in all in magnitude to those famous Rivers, the Eber, Duer, and Guadalquivir*; (10) and all those Rivers which have their Source or Spring from the Mountains lying Westerly, the number [of rivers] whereof is Twenty Thousand are very rich in Mines of Gold; on which Mountain lies the Province of rich Mines, whence the exquisite Gold of Twenty Four Caracts* weight, takes denomination [is identified there].

We naturally learn our first language by listening, repeating words a couple at a time, and using what we know to communicate. The thinking process in Spanish should be similar! So, what is your first goal? Is it to actively think and use the vocabulary you already know, or is it to move from thinking in simple vocabulary words to complete sentences? Either way, these eight tips will help you reach your goal in record time.

The more you hear, read, and speak Spanish, the easier it will be to think in the language. The sentence structure, vocabulary, and phrases will stick in your head from the repetition and be recalled easily. Modern technology provides so many ways to encounter Spanish without physically being in a Spanish-speaking country or investing a lot of money.

First, keep a Spanish notebook. Write down any new words you learn from watching TV or listening to the news, especially any difficult ones that you had to look up. If you want, you can separate the notebook into sections like verbs, nouns, and expressions. Or, you can just quickly jot down any new words you want to practice. Review the words as often as possible and read them out loud so you practice hearing and saying the words.

Then, the next time you think about your hobbies or passions, make a conscious decision to do so in Spanish. Make sentences in Spanish and look up any words you may need to complete your thoughts. While it may feel awkward at first, push through and it will soon become a habit!

If you have friends or relatives who speak Spanish, talk to them and ask them to speak to you only in Spanish. If you are already accustomed to speaking to each other in English, it can be hard to make the transition to Spanish. However, they will surely be delighted to share their language with you.

Even so, while English use among Latinos is higher in later generations and Spanish use is lower, Spanish use persists among the third generation. In daily activities such as listening to music, watching television or even thinking, significant shares of third-generation Latinos use Spanish, the Pew Hispanic survey shows.

As might be expected, use of Spanish falls and use of English rises through the generations. Among immigrant Hispanics, two-thirds (65%) say they use Spanish when they think, 15% say they use English, and 18% say they use both English and Spanish. By the second generation, use of English rises to 63% and use of Spanish falls to 18%. By the third generation, eight-in-ten (80%) Latinos say they think in English, 13% say they think in Spanish, and 7% say they think in both languages equally.

If you want to produce Spanish confidently, quickly and accurately, you need to learn how to start thinking in Spanish. And, how to avoid translating each and every word in your head from English to Spanish.

I think I would know HOW to remember this if I knew the WHY because the WHY probably applies to more than this one situation or verb and then my HOW would help me remember many situations which would mean I only have to remember one HOW for many WHYS.

CULTURE NOTE In the USA most people believe that the origins of the siesta are most commonly traced to Mexico. In reality, it is the traditional daily sleep of the Southern region of Alentejo, in Portugal. It was adopted by Spain and then by influence became a tradition in South America, Central America, and Mexico. However, the original concept of a siesta was merely that of a midday break. This break was intended to allow people time to spend with their friends and family. In recent years, studies have suggested a biological need for afternoon naps. An afternoon nap seems to be an instinctive human need. The studies have shown that there is a strong biological tendency for humans to become tired and possibly fall asleep in the middle of the afternoon. A siesta, or a slightly longer nap, can often satisfy this desire for sleep and allow a person to wake up feeling refreshed and much more alert. The main benefit of the siesta is mood improvement and some improved thinking ability. Just as your mother told you when you were a grumpy toddler: Go take a nap.

I left these shores, at Vancouver, a red-hot imperialist. I wanted the American eagle to go screaming into the Pacific. It seemed tiresome and tame for it to content itself with he Rockies. Why not spread its wings over the Phillippines, I asked myself? And I thought it would be a real good thing to do

But I have thought some more, since then, and I have read carefully the treaty of Paris, and I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate the people of the Phillippines. We have gone there to conquer, not to redeem. . .

Yes, I (or my legal guardian) have read and understood how EF processes my personal data as set out in the Privacy Policy, and agree to EF's use of my personal data for direct marketing purposes.

For a long time, the idea that language might shape thought was considered at best untestable and more often simply wrong. Research in my labs at Stanford University and at MIT has helped reopen this question. We have collected data around the world: from China, Greece, Chile, Indonesia, Russia, and Aboriginal Australia. What we have learned is that people who speak different languages do indeed think differently and that even flukes of grammar can profoundly affect how we see the world. Language is a uniquely human gift, central to our experience of being human. Appreciating its role in constructing our mental lives brings us one step closer to understanding the very nature of humanity.

Humans communicate with one another using a dazzling array of languages, each differing from the next in innumerable ways. Do the languages we speak shape the way we see the world, the way we think, and the way we live our lives? Do people who speak different languages think differently simply because they speak different languages? Does learning new languages change the way you think? Do polyglots think differently when speaking different languages? 041b061a72


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