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Leo Garcia
Leo Garcia

Systemstats In OS X

systemstats profiles other processes. The information collected is used, for example, to populate the "Apps Using Significant Energy" section of the battery menu, and the Energy tab in Activity Monitor.It is actively triggered by clicking on the battery menu, or opening Activity Monitor.You can find more information on how to disable it in this article.

systemstats in OS X

Story: Apple support told me to restart in safe mode to check if the problem would remain... It didn't. Their solution was to reinstall macOS which would mean a lot of unproductive time... But since the problem didn't appear in safe mode, it must had to do with some startup objects. One of them seems to trigger systemstats so often that it leads to high cpu and memory usage.

This is not recommended and it may have unintended consequences beyond disabling property battery and power management monitoring, including the App Nap feature, but you can disable systemstats but unloading the daemon from launchd. This should be limited to advanced users only:

The process is responsible for keeping track of system level details like the power consumption, battery use, CPU usage and a lot more system level functions. Basically the information provided by systemstats is tracked by SMC. So resetting SMC should reset all the parameters related to systemstats and should solve your problem.

Hi, I'm italian boy with a Macbook Pro of mid 2012. My HDD is old and slow, so I decided to replace it with a new and fast SSD. I've read lots of advice on internet, among which it's important don't stress SSDs with much writings and rewritings. Recently I've checked process system in order to discover an excess of writings on the disk, and I discover in particular a system process called "systemstatsd" that has written 225GB in 2-3 days, and has read 12GB. Another process called "coprafsd" has written 11GB and as read 1GB. "launchd" 9GB and "kernel_task" 7,5GB.

systemstatsd is a "daemon" type process that generates data that the systemstats program can print out. It normally only runs when the systemstats program is actually run, which is only done manually from the Terminal as far as I know. It prints out a bunch of data that might be worth knowing. From a Terminal window you can

would generate several screens of output (after you enter your password) showing all sorts of information about the system (from min/max temperatures to amount of data written to disk to all kinds of other rather interesting stats).

Normally the systemstatsd process is consuming 0% cpu. I wonder if that is the case on your system? Using the "Activity Monitor" program (located in the /Applications/Utilities folder), and showing all processes (under the View menu), is systemstatsd showing 0% or some other number? Does running the "sudo systemstats" generate any useful output or get some sort of error?

One of Apple's goals in Mavericks has been to increase battery life, and in doing so, has developed tools to monitor system usage and provide information on what processes are drawing the most energy. The main tool that does this is a background daemon called "systemstatsd" which collects ongoing information about your system's workload, both for hardware and software, and allows you to quickly compile reports about what processes and features of your system are being used at any given time.

While used by programs such as Activity Monitor, you can also manually read off system stats using the "systemstats" terminal command, which will generate a fairly in-depth report on the programs and hardware you have installed, when they are activated, and how the system is using them. To view this report, simply open the Terminal utility (Applications > Utilities), and run the following command (supply your password when prompted, but know that it will not show):

Upon further inspection, Activity Monitor showed that a process called "systemstats" was consistently using 40% of my CPU. At a later time, it even went up to a 100% and just stayed there. Systemstats is part of the MacOS system, so it wasn't a simple matter of uninstalling something.

I wasn't looking forward to rebuilding my faithful system, so I kept on Googling for this particular problem. I came across an older MacRumors post which mentioned a cause I didn't consider yet: a corrupted database. The solution would be to delete the current database and allow Systemstats to create a new one after a reboot.

With the BuhoCleaner 1.5.0 update, We provide you with a completely free function, which can monitor the various stats of your mac in real-time in the Status Menu and provide some other useful features.

A quick overview of your Mac stats, realtime information about CPU, RAM usage and much more. Network statistics includes external, gateway and local IPs, speed and data rates chart. Just click on the ip address to open it in the default web browser.

When it comes to CPU stats, you can find one chart that tells you about CPU consumption. Right below, you can track the system uptime and temperature of the CPU. As we saw in the case of memory, the CPU pane will also show top consumers. And you can quit the apps from the same menu.

2022-08-02 14:43:57.703315-0700 0xf6e9bc Error 0x0 55202 0 taskgated-helper: (ConfigurationProfiles) [] Unsatisfied entitlements: 14:43:57.703354-0700 0xf6e9bc Error 0x0 55202 0 taskgated-helper: (ConfigurationProfiles) [] Disallowing: 14:43:57.703925-0700 0xf6ee5b Default 0x0 213 0 amfid: /Library/SystemExtensions/20882B24-F907-4515-9C3D-ADC6E61F486F/ signature not valid: -676712022-08-02 14:43:57.704076-0700 0xf6ef8d Default 0x0 0 0 kernel: mac_vnode_check_signature: /Library/SystemExtensions/20882B24-F907-4515-9C3D-ADC6E61F486F/ code signature validation failed fatally: When validating /Library/SystemExtensions/20882B24-F907-4515-9C3D-ADC6E61F486F/ 14:43:57.704105-0700 0xf6ef8d Default 0x0 0 0 kernel: proc 54551: load code signature error 4 for file ""2022-08-02 14:43:57.704926-0700 0xf6ef8e Default 0x0 0 0 kernel:[54551] Corpse allowed 1 of 52022-08-02 14:43:57.738424-0700 0xf6edc0 Default 0x0 87 0 systemstats: Doing SMC sample (queued)2022-08-02 14:44:00.185997-0700 0xf6edcf Default 0x0 921 0 ReportCrash: Formulating fatal 309 report for corpse[54551] 14:44:00.187059-0700 0xf6edcf Default 0x0 921 0 ReportCrash: Unable to find store record for 'file:///Library/SystemExtensions/20882B24-F907-4515-9C3D-ADC6E61F486F/': Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10811 "kLSNotAnApplicationErr: Item needs to be an application, but is not" UserInfo=_LSLine=175, _LSFunction=_LSFindBundleWithInfo_NoIOFiltered2022-08-02 14:44:00.197169-0700 0xf6edcf Default 0x0 921 0 ReportCrash: is not a MetricKit client2022-08-02 14:44:00.197939-0700 0xf6edcf Default 0x0 921 0 ReportCrash: (CoreAnalytics) [] Sending event: "bundleID":"","bundleVersion":"1","exceptionCodes":"0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000(\n 0,\n 0\n)EXC_CRASHSIGKILL (Code Signature Invalid)","incidentID":"D4F821FA-40AC-4897-8C20-84895D264CDD","logwritten":0,"process":"","terminationReasonExceptionCode":"0x1","terminationReasonNamespace":"CODESIGNING"2022-08-02 14:44:00.199307-0700 0xf6ec8f Default 0x0 166 0 analyticsd: [] Received event: "bundleID":"","bundleVersion":"1","exceptionCodes":"0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000(\n 0,\n 0\n)EXC_CRASHSIGKILL (Code Signature Invalid)","incidentID":"D4F821FA-40AC-4897-8C20-84895D264CDD","logwritten":0,"process":"","terminationReasonExceptionCode":"0x1","terminationReasonNamespace":"CODESIGNING"

2019-04-04 15:19:51 -0700 Issue: 'encrypted file' detected in '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/node_modules/@expo/traveling-fastlane-darwin/traveling-fastlane-1.8.0-osx/lib/vendor/ruby/2.2.0/gems/rubyzip-1.2.2/test/data/'2019-04-04 15:22:49 -0700 Issue: 'corrupted file' detected in '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/node_modules/tar/test/cb-never-called-1.0.1.tgz'2019-04-04 16:43:13 -0700 Issue: 'corrupted file' detected in '/Library/Logs/SophosDiagnostics.gz'2019-04-04 17:28:10 -0700 Issue: 'corrupted file' detected in '/private/var/db/systemstats/334BA266-4A16-4406-B655-389DCECC3025.microstackshots.XXXXXX.gz'2019-04-04 17:34:50 -0700 Issue: 'encrypted file' detected in '/Users/Julia/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications/Freeskiing 1.0.2.ipa'2019-04-04 17:46:22 -0700 Issue: 'encrypted file' detected in '/Users/Julia/.nvm/versions/node/v10.15.2/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/node_modules/@expo/traveling-fastlane-darwin/traveling-fastlane-1.8.0-osx/lib/vendor/ruby/2.2.0/gems/rubyzip-1.2.2/test/data/'2019-04-04 18:06:11 -0700 Issue: 'corrupted file' detected in '/Users/Julia/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/8.3 (12F70)/Symbols/usr/lib/dyld'2019-04-04 20:18:38 -0700 Issue: 'corrupted file' detected in '/Users/Julia/Library/Caches/Zotero/Profiles/dojfzuuv.default/cache2/entries/09863C4BBE637AF94D08ECDB52F98D367FE20800'2019-04-04 22:43:18 -0700 Issue: 'corrupted file' detected in '/Users/Julia/Library/Caches/com.spotify.client/Browser/Cache/f_001a10'2019-04-04 22:50:11 -0700 Issue: 'encrypted file' detected in '/Users/Julia/Documents/Dont need/File transfers/UCDS homework/spelling list.docx'2019-04-04 22:50:11 -0700 Issue: 'encrypted file' detected in '/Users/Julia/Documents/Dont need/File transfers/UCDS homework/dream journal.docx'2019-04-05 01:27:44 -0700 Issue: 'encrypted file' detected in '/Applications/VitalSource'


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